Maya Spiritual Bathing

Maya spiritual bathing is a practice used to remove spiritual illness or emotional blocks. This Mayan practice recognizes that disease can reside in the body or soul and causes of illness can be physical or spiritual in nature. Using sacred waters, herbs, flower essences, copal, prayer, and intention participants gain a liberation from emotional obstacles, clarity of mind, and feel uplifted in their spirit. It is an ancient healing art that has survived colonialism and is still being used today.
The spiritual illnesses of the Maya are:
- susto (fright or trauma)
- pesar (grief and loss)
- tristeza (sadness, depression)
- coraje (anger)
- mal ojo (evil eye)
- invidia (envy)
In our culture, I find that we are afflicted with a growing amount of stress, anxiety, trauma, grief, fear, resentment, and anger, as well as disconnection from our bodies, spirits, and the Earth. Many of these emotions can get stuck in the body and manifest into dis-ease. Our culture tends towards pharmaceuticals and counseling, which can be helpful and have their place, yet do not address the wholistic body~mind~spirit connection.
Maya spiritual bathing can help to lift stuck emotions and past trauma and make way for more confidence, success, and emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical freedom.
Your spiritual bathing experience begins with a consultation by phone or in person to learn about what you need from this healing. Next, we schedule our spiritual bathing session and I harvest the herbs and flowers for your bath with intention and prayer. They are left to infuse in the water overnight in the moonlight. The next day we meet in your home or my cabin just south of Mount Shasta, California for your healing. I use the plant medicines, my guides, and prayers to offer you the spirit waters to wash away what you are releasing. You will be in a sarong and the water will gently be poured over your body while copal is burned and prayers and songs are offered. Afterwards you will have a short bodywork session and time for integration.
My rates start at $85 per session. This includes a 30 minute consultation, spiritual bathing, and 15 minute bodywork session. Other add-ons are available. Email me at to discuss your individualized session.
I first encountered this form of healing after traveling from Tikal, Guatemala to a small village in Belize, where Ms. Beatrice (a Mayan healer) resided. While at Tikal, my friends and I had a disturbing encounter with a local man who worked with dark energies and we had been experiencing a host of strange maladies ever since. We arrived and told Ms. Beatrice of our troubles. She quickly directed us to preparing our bathing waters. We collected herbs in groups of nine while saying prayers. The herbs were placed into the water and left to infuse as we learned more from her about the process. We took turns offering the waters and prayers to each other. The visions I had during this process were profound and some of them came into fruition years later. The mal ojo (evil eye) was removed and I knew at once this was powerful work that I wanted to share. Since this time some of the healers I have learned from have passed on. I dedicate my work to the memory and wisdom of Ms. Beatrice, Ms. Valentina, Ms. Barbara, and Don Berto.