
I nurture and sustain communities around me. I move through my days with a deep focus on self-love, reverence for the Earth, the power of positive thinking, practicing forgiveness, gratitude, and maintaining balance in all that I manage. One of my main guiding principles is to leave every person and place I visit better than when I arrived. I consistently create mutually beneficial experiences and opportunities for community therapy and growth in my relationships with people, places, plants, and animals. I strive to inspire people by my example of rebuilding an incredible life worth living after a period of extreme tragedy and trauma.
Some of my life's missions are to inspire gratitude and spread love and acceptance to the people I come into contact with on a daily basis. I encourage people to dance and release their inhibitions around self-expression. I am excited by the exploration of mind-body-spirit connections and experiencing healing through dance, sound, and movement, especially in water. I strive to be the best parent I can be, living with a high standard of integrity and transparency.
I aim to remind people to keep their child heart alive through sacred silliness, to inspire people to trust their hearts and live their dreams, and to be a reminder of the sacred and holding nature in reverence through my way of being and living. I consistently co-create experiences within my communities and in my work in the world that nurture healing, play, gratitude, and sacredness.

I was raised in a neighborhood the forests of Macon, Georgia. I moved to the west coast at 18 years old, and have lived in forests, on sailboats, and on the fringes of US counter-culture ever since. I have raised two amazing young men as a single parent. I have managed a property, the Crossroads, for 18 years near the spiritual community of Mt. Shasta in northern California. There I create a nurturing environment under the oaks where I host friends, family, spiritual seekers, PCT hikers, and work-awayers and hold Crossroads Cosmic Convergence musical jams. I have renovated an original cabin on the property where I reside part-time.
I worked in alternative education for 17 years, receiving my teaching credential in 2000. I ran a one-room schoolhouse in Mt. Shasta, California for 3 years, then worked for an independent study charter school, where I collaborated as a team with families, teachers, and students, to create customized educational plans. I visited the student’s homes, providing advice and counseling to families.
In addition, I have gleaned wisdom from healers & herbalists in Belize, and at the Northern California Women's Herbal Symposium, where I have attended and taught for over 25 years.
I am trained in Principle-Based Partner Yoga, Yin Yoga, and the aquatic arts of Aguahara, Janzu, Watsu, and Healing Dance.
Currently, I am writing an autobiography about my journey through grief and back to wholeness using community therapy after surviving the suicide of my beloved partner.
My passions include aguahara, aquatic dance, swimming, scuba diving, sailing, dancing, biking, yoga, being in nature, journaling, creating altars and sacred spaces for healing, participating in ceremonies, herbal medicine, live foods, traveling by sailboat in Latin America & the Caribbean, community music, sewing, participating in transformative festivals, and cultivating community with my family and friends!